Cilymaenllwyd Walking Group

Cilymaenllwyd Footpath Restoration Project
Cilymaenllwyd Walking Group

Would you like to join our monthly walks in our local area?

We are an informal walking group that walks on our local footpaths and quiet roads.

Would you like to suggest an area to walk or would you like to recommend a walk that we could do?

We usually walk around 5 miles or so, but they can be longer or shorter.

We can stop along the way to rest and use any refreshments we have carried.

For further information please see the Cwm Login Facebook group or the Cyngor Cymuned Cilymaenllwyd Community Council Facebook page or contact Julie on 07854 167269.

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Wildlife Recording Training 24th July

Want to learn how to identify and record wildlife?

Why not join us for an exciting day of wildlife identifying and recording with West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre at the Cardi Bach Heritage Centre, Login on Wednesday 24 July 2024 from 10am – 3pm.

This in-person event is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about the incredible wildlife around us. You’ll have the opportunity to explore and discover various techniques for recording wildlife in your local area.

  • Bring a notebook and a pen/pencil to record anything useful
  • Come equipped with suitable clothing, and sturdy shoes for the wonderful, variable Welsh weather! We may go out for a walk to record what we can find in the area
  • Come prepared and download our App or sign up on the website so you can get stuck into recording on the day
  • Refreshments available for £3
  • All welcome. Children to be accompanied by adults

Booking essential through Eventbrite:

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from experts and contribute to local conservation efforts.

Organised by Cilymaenllwyd Community Council in conjunction with the Cilymaenllwyd Footpath Restoration project.

Any questions –

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Basic Map Reading Workshop – 8th July 2024

Ever wish you knew how to navigate our local area or Welsh landscapes?

Whether you’re an avid rambler or a casual stroller, navigation skills are essential to safe and fun walking adventures!

Come along to our FREE basic navigation session where Amy Goodwin, the Carmarthenshire Regional Officer for Ramblers Cymru will guide you through how to read a map. 

Amy will also explain the Pathways survey project being undertaken in Carmarthenshire by volunteers.

The event is being held at Cardi Bach Heritage Centre in Login, Monday 8th July 1.00pm – 3.30pm.

Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear as we may put into practice what we have learned with a short local walk.

Limited spaces so sign up early through Eventbrite.

All welcome. Any questions –

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Cilymaenllwyd Volunteering

Cilymaenllwyd Volunteering is a group of enthusiastic volunteers who come together to clear and maintain a network of footpaths in the community.

Many footpaths are currently being cleared under the Cilymaenllwyd Footpath Restoration Project funded through UK Shared Prosperity Fund – Sustainable Communities, delivered through Carmarthenshire County Council.

The project focuses on a specific area in the heart of Cilymaenllwyd – in the beautiful valley of the Afon Wenallt. This wildlife-rich site is considered an ancient woodland and the footpaths being restored run along the Wenallt.

This is an exciting project as it creates great outdoor opportunities for the whole community – promoting health and well-being; creating safe walking spaces; enriching our relationship with the local area and fostering pride with our heritage and culture. This clearing work also enables walkers to connect to other important routes such as the Landsker Borderland Trail and it also restores walking infrastructure between villages.

Volunteering opportunities currently include cutting back overhanging vegetation from the footpaths, species surveying and plant identification. Volunteering also provides an opportunity to meet people, keep fit, share knowledge and experiences and of course, enjoy the great outdoors. Whether you can spare a whole day or a few hours, the time you give makes a huge difference. 

If you would like to sign up as a Cilymaenllwyd footpath maintenance volunteer, please contact us by e-mailing:

Y Gronfa Cymunedau Cynaliadwy / The Sustainable Communities Fund


Supported by Carmarthenshire County Council
Powered by Levelling Up
Funded by UK Government - Cilymaenllwyd Footpath Project
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Cardi Bach Active Travel Route Community Drop-in Session

Sustrans Drop in Session

Sustrans Cymru, on behalf of Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire County Councils, would like to invite you to a community engagement event, updating you on the progress of the Cardi Bach Railway project to date.

It is the aim of both local authorities to create a new, traffic-free, shared-use, walking and cycling pathway along the route of the disused railway line. This route will reconnect communities along the line as well as celebrate the heritage of the railway and surrounding area.

Creating accessible paths for everyone that encourage people to choose healthy, environmentally friendly modes of transport is a core aim of Sustrans Cymru. Sustrans Cymru believe that the Cardi Bach line has the potential to provide locals and tourists alike a healthier choice when accessing the various amenities along the route.  

If you would like to learn more about the project to date, please come along to the community drop-in sessions in the main hall of Ysgol Bro Preseli, Crymych, from 2.30 to 4.30 pm or from 5.30 to 7.30pm on the 16th of January. There will be a short presentation about the progress of the project followed by a Q&A during the evening session. Tea and coffee will be provided.

Sustrans is the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle. We connect people and places, create liveable neighbourhoods, transform the school run and deliver a happier, healthier commute. Join the journey.

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Cilymaenllwyd Footpath Restoration Project

Funded by UK Government - Cilymaenllwyd Footpath Project

Last March, Cilymaenllwyd Community Council submitted a grant application to restore some of the public footpaths within our community. In August it received confirmation that the application had been successful. Here’s more about this community project.

The project is called Cilymaenllwyd Footpaths Restoration and has received £57,138.96 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund – Sustainable Communities, delivered through Carmarthenshire County Council.

The project focuses on a specific area in the heart of Cilymaenllwyd – in the beautiful valley of the Afon Wenallt. This site is considered an ancient woodland and the footpath being restored will run along the Wenallt. The funding has enabled commissioning a local contractor to undertake this significant clearing work. Work has commenced in co-operation with the relevant land owners, ensuring that their requests in terms of health and safety aspects are respected.

This is an exciting project as it creates great outdoor opportunities for the whole community – promoting health and well-being; creating safe walking spaces; enriching our relationship with the local area and fostering pride with our heritage and culture. This clearing work will also enable walkers to connect to other important routes such as the Landsker Borderland Trail and it will restore walking infrastructure between villages.

In order to ensure the health and safety of all, people are requested not to venture on these paths during the coming months as heavy plant machinery is currently in operation at this site.

In the meantime, we are keen to gather information – local history, local flora and fauna, anecdotes, photos, new developments etc – so that we can fill our Local History and News webpages and capture a glimpse of Cilymaenllwyd past and present. Please email any items you may have to:

Watch this space for regular updates on our community project.

Supported by Carmarthenshire County Council
Powered by Levelling Up
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